The Week of 100 Logos: Thank you nCent Nation!!!

KK Jain
3 min readJul 14, 2018


At nCent Labs one of our aims is to unlock collective talent and appropriately attribute value within communities. As such, we think a great deal about incentives, incentives, and incentives; and how to best leverage them to support a broad set of diverse communities. Incentive markets are a natural application for blockchain.

To put our crypto where our mouth is, we set out to prove this theory by hosting a crowdsourced contest to design our new logo on our official Telegram channel. Of course, we had our own incentive market twist…we’re humbled and encouraged by the around 100 submissions we’ve received… Here are some of our favorite designs we would love to give a shoutout to:


Join our room to see all the submissions! Unfortunately not every logo can win… and our nCent HQ agonized and picked the top 3 finalists:


Voting is live and we will pick the winner based on community vote by closing voting on Monday, July 16 at 5pm PST.

Each of the 3 finalists are rewarded, and the winner chosen by community vote will get an extra reward. The entire referral chain of the winner will also be rewarded! Everyone will get an additional reward if the whole room gets to 20k users! The voting and spirited, tribal cross-talk has begun!

We were fortunate that this initial use-case involved artistry/design, which is something bots have not yet figured out… and protected us from the possibility of a sybil attack. Going forward our blockchain and dedicated trust-less platform will provide the primitives and security for others to unlock collective talent and attribute value. We are just scratching the surface of transforming how we view and interact with incentives.

Voting ends Monday — so join now and get your vote in ASAP.

We know with a rockstar and fast growing community like ours we’re going straight to the moon — together! Email me at to learn more or join us!

To stay in the nCent loop, hear me tweet and join our international telegram channel.

